The least utilized free adult dating revenue member
There are many ways to make money off of free adult dating. Don’t let the fact that this type of entertainment is completely free throw you off. That’s right. This type of entertainment is completely free, just look at the registration page over at they don’t bug you for any financial data. You can actually see a woman take off her clothes and do all sorts of nasty and naughty things on her private album pictures for absolutely free. You don’t have to spend one red cent. This really blows the mind of most people because, hey, in the real world it costs a lot of money to have a flesh and blood human being putting on a hot show on her profile page. It costs money to transport her. It costs money to feed her. It costs money for her to put on her red dress and go out. It costs everybody time. What gives? Where is the revenue in free adult dating websites?
The revenue is actually easy to see. When you go to visit such a site the revenue model pretty much just jumps out at you. You have to understand that some members basically begged for tips. That’s the revenue model for them. Also, a lot of these dating sites are mounted on pages that have ads all over the place. When somebody clicks on an ad and buys something the website makes money.
However, there is another way to make money off this experience. This is called the upsell. The member could be talking about products. She could be discussing certain product names that have something to do with adult entertainment. This is a tremendous branding and marketing opportunity if enough members do this. It really boggles my mind why not enough members do this. This can be quite lucrative if you think about it.